Thursday, May 25, 2006


just got back from the driver's license bureau. it feels so so good to be a florida resident again! i got a new picture that was strangely fuzzy, and poor matt, all he got was an 8x11 piece of paper that is his 'temporary' license until his real one comes in a month from the capital. i guess down here in brevard county they don't trust canadians!

we've had this pending for months now, but once you start, you have to switch everything, so we've been putting it off...we're switching car insurance, car registration, title, and tags tomorrow, then health insurance. like i said, it starts to get overwhelming, but since we've lived here since october, it's time...


Emily said...

does matt's 8X11 drivers license include an oversized photo? i think that would be a nice size for a license--you could just tape it on the dashboard or something.

photomark2006 said...

how fuzzy is fuzzy? can you tell its you or could it also be a member of al-q***a in a turban? (don't want to get your blog investigated by the FBI, if you catch my meaning)

speaking of fuzzy, or blurry, i have a theory. it is totally original with me. i think bigfoot IS blurry, that's the problem! it's not the cameramans fault. there is a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside, and that's extra scary to me.