Saturday, May 13, 2006

friday nights aren't what they used to be...

i realized this at 11.45 last night when matt and i were still working on a paper due today. school is definitely not what it used to be either...since when do we have a major paper due on the first week?! aren't we supposed to go around the class and share about our summer's first? we made the most of the night though - went to our little workout room at the clubhouse at 9 for a break, then went for a night swim - it was the most beautiful night, so beautiful in fact that i wanted to sleep in the pool. of course the morning would be rough, waking up all wrinkly with the sun baking us. so we slept in our dry, air conditioned apartment instead.

i love being out of college for a lot of reasons, but i realized last night that i don't miss the pressure to do something awesome on friday night. i don't know how friday got set aside as 'do something cool at night, or you're pathetic' night. why not tuesday? there were too many friday nights that i'd find myself at dinner at 7.50 and realize 'something cool' was not in the cards for that night! it's nice that in real life, friday is a night just like saturday and monday.

so when i say 'friday nights aren't what they used to be', i'm just kidding. they are a lot like they used to be, but now i have the perspective to enjoy them for what they are....

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