Monday, May 15, 2006

weddings, wild waters, and what a weekend!

we've been in ocala for the weekend. pulled in saturday afternoon in time for heather's wedding. it was really beautiful. the perfect early summer favorite part was the 'wedding walk' - a candle and lantern-lit walkway through the rose garden, around the pool and into the tent. after the wedding, sumanth and emily came over to play 'apples to apples'. oh i love that game!

mark gave matt and i an early 2nd anniversary gift - a day at wild waters - ocala's very own water park! there is something so fun about running around barefoot in your bathing suit from ride to ride. i forgot that i was 24...we went down the 'silver bullet' a 220 foot slide straight down. i was going so fast that when i hit the pool my top came up to my armpits. thankfully the water was swirling so much i had time to fix it.

today it's back to school and work, but nice to be in ocala - sometimes a change of pace is just what you need.

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