Saturday, May 06, 2006

my favorite time of day

the sun is low and it's right before dinner time...don't ask me why that is my favorite time! haha. it's been a really busy day, but i knew it would be - our last weekend before classes start again. we helped our friends matthew and elisa pack up for their move to minnesota this morning. oh my it was a scorcher! i've never been so tempted to jump into knee deep moldy water (the community pool under contruction) in my life! they took us out for lunch before they hit the road...i got a chili dog and onion rings and my stomach is still reeling.

we've been cleaning the bathroom this afternoon. my thoughts on cleaning are that as long as it looks clean, then no need to really bring out the chemicals. once in awhile though, i reach a point where i know 'it's time', and then we go crazy, spraying, scrubbing, really cleaning. the rest of the time i just tidy up and put things away and think of how good 'cheating' feels. after today though, i'm wondering if it would be less work to keep things clean all along rather than wait until i have to wear sandals in the shower to keep my feet off the skuzzy tile. we'll see...

mark's coming in a few hours for the weekend, so we'll probably make calzones and watch movies tonight. tomorrow is 'youth sunday', the youth do the announcements, worship, usher, everything. matt is teaching, so i'm sure i'll like the message tomorrow! the kids are really excited to be running the show. it should be really fun.

tomorrow todd graduates. the lanker's time at wheaton is ending after 8 years of being there. i'm excited for his move to kansas city this fall...i swear i was just sweating in those bleachers two seconds ago.

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