Monday, May 01, 2006

sitting easy

i've been on the edge of my seat for 2 days now. no, i'm not excited about anything; i'm just in pain! everyone knows that just because you can't see the sun doesn't mean your skin isn't burning - i don't know why i always ignore this wisdom and go with my thinking 'how could i possibly get burned today?' the backs of my legs are just fried from the youth beach day. and the saddest part: it wasn't warm enough to swim, so i stayed in jean shorts and laid on my stomach on the blanket most of the day - creating a definite line in the middle of the leg- one half purple, the other half cream-colored!

outside of this small inconvenience, we had a great weekend. had matthew and elisa over several times (their apartment is being packed up right now) watched movies, played games, made calzones. yesterday i got to take a nap for over 2 hours. it was wonderful! read magazines at barnes and noble on the kid's stage area...i always feel bad when we try to read there. Last night, a sweet little kid was flipping through a book by the stage. She looked up and ran away after seeing us coming. hey! we like reading on the stage too! there's room enough for all of us!

a quiet night. matt's working on the website, so i think i'll go to target - the perfect place to go when you're not quite sure what you're looking for....but i'm sure i'll find it!

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