Thursday, June 01, 2006

lap 1

while we're waiting for ella to come, matt and i thought we'd get into shape a bit. we decided to take a few laps around his block to ease into it. after 3 minutes of running, we rounded the corner, and out of nowhere, the sidewalk crease caught my shoe. everything slowed way down as i did the pinwheel move in the air. the next thing i knew i was sprawled on the sidewalk. of course i started bawling while matt was caught between laughing and helping me up. when i looked down, i started crying even harder...there was a ruby red, silver dollar sized spot on my knee where the sidewalk had scraped the first two layers of skin off. did anyone else see? oh yes. several families were out in their yards, kids riding down the sidewalk. (i'm now jealous of their gracefulness!) it seems like such an elementary school injury to have. a scraped knee (and hands) from a spill on the sidewalk. and it somehow doesn't match my almost-25 year old body. needless to say my plans for getting in shape have taken the back burner once again.


photomark2006 said...

how about one of those huge brightly colored exercise balls? i'm told they are good for aerobics and flexibility, and, to top it all off are EXTREMELY safe. but wear a helmet j.i.c.

photomark2006 said...
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