we went to the star party last night...there were about 8 different telescopes pointing on saturn and jupiter - it was really impressive. the main telescope required climbing a ladder just to get to the eyepiece! when i climbed up, though, i was rewarded with an up-close shot of jupiter and four moons. really cool. before that, i was looking through a small telescope, and all i could see was a blur - so i yelled to matt that it must not be on...he told me later that some dude was standing over the other end, trying to see in the other side! well no wonder...
we're going to carissa's 16th barbeque and beach party in a few hours, but for now, i'm still in my pajamas, drinking tea and taking it easy. there's something so wonderfully quiet about saturday morning.
i was inspired by mark's recent blog, so while we were in ocala yesterday, i picked up several manila envelopes of old letters from wheaton. so i'm drinking tea and reading old letters - stereotypical i know, but i'm having a blast (from the past haha)!
what i want to know is, who thought of having a star party? that is the COOLEST. j and m, wished u were here 2day, had all the cousins out to the lake and did some serious tubing and surfing. and ping pong.
Jodi -
You make me laugh every time ~ old letters and tea on a Saturday morning? Perfect.
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