Sunday, June 04, 2006


ella delaney girden has arrived! after 14 hours of labor, she came at 22 inches, and for the kicker: 9 pounds 7 ounces. she is such a doll! kaileigh did a wonderful job. we're off to the hospital now to see our niece. pictures later!


photomark2006 said...

way to go k. and way to be there jodi. hey, jod, i finally made my own blog, after being inspired by reading yours. am i, at this very moment, using your very well-traffiked blog to let our mutual friends know that mine is up and running at no. no i definitely am not.

Heather said...

Jodi V. Lanker Girden -

You didn't tell moi that you had a "secret blog" !!!! I love reading about your life ~ how fun :) Great to see you at the wedding .......

Much love ~