Thursday, June 08, 2006

marley and me

i just finished marley and me. it should come as no surprise to those that know me that i closed the book and started sobbing. i came upstairs for dinner with bleary eyes and blotchy skin after wailing for 15 minutes. i had to restrain myself from buying a yellow, mis-behaved dog tonight. i knew i would love that book! if you like dogs at all, please read it.

we leave tomorrow, after our 2 week stay in chicago. ella is getting cuter by the day, so i'll post some pictures for you to see.

we're considering buying cable again for the world cup. seeing all the soccer 'greats' sure makes me wish i would have practiced a little harder at ol' forest high school! haha.

1 comment:

photomark2006 said...

missing hunter, eh sis?