Friday, June 23, 2006

turtle watching

elisha's here! i picked her up from the airport in the blazing heat of the day. poor thing - alaska would never feel this hot in a million years of summers. ( i won't get into global warming debates on this ;) We watched the brazil vs. japan game, then went down to the pool. We brought a beach ball to play with in the water, which turned out to be a huge mistake. as it turned out, as soon as we were stepping into the pool, this little girl said, 'can i play with your beach ball?' how can you say no to that?! but then, we found we also couldn't say no to her demands that we play with her. and i do mean demands. she ordered elisha and i around that pool for so long! and if we didn't do something, she would sit on the top step with a pout and declare 'we're just going to sit here until you get in a line!' quite the boss. after being held captive for 45 minutes, she left, and we were free to swim wherever we wanted. oh the freedom!

at 9 pm, we met the exleys at coconut point on A1A. with flashlights and water bottles, we took off down the beach looking for turtle tracks. it was a beautiful night, really starry and a warm breeze off the ocean. and then we saw one! these turtles are amazingly huge. plowing their way back to the ocean after crawling out of the water, digging a hole, and laying 100 eggs! we got to see one turtle laying eggs - by standing behind her, she didn't even know we were was amazing.

in august we'll have to go back to see all the hatchlings making a run for the ocean, because i want to cheer them on - they have such bad odds of making it. so we've found another really fun thing to do in melbourne...i'll post some pictures of it later!


Emily said...

I wish i could have been the one to share your beach ball. At our apartment complex it is less bossy little girls in the pool and more loud, drunk big boys. I haven't swum in it since that time with you jodi;( Hi to lish!

Heather said...

Same for me ... lots of loud, wildly crazy drunks at our apt. And sometimes all I want is a lazy Sunday afternoon swim ...

Katie said...

Oh my goodness do i know the feeling of being at the mercy of a child... and I don't even mean my own! I've spent entire lunch dates with one on my lap eating off my plate. Cracked me up, Jodi-that anecdote.

And um- EMILY- what were all those passionate promises to me that you'd start a blog?? Is it a SECRET blog...?

photomark2006 said...

i relish the thought of you and matt down at the beach some night in august, a full moon overhead, you with a frying pan, and matt with a baseball bat, ready to take on the turtles' predators. if you do that, make sure you blog about it.