october 8, 2010 at 7.34 pm 8 lbs 5 oz and 20 3/4 in long.
he has had his own timeline all along (starting with a surprise pregnancy!), and at 2 weeks overdue, i was beginning to wonder if he would ever come. that day i went to the doctor for a fetal stress test, and we made plans to induce the next morning. i went home disappointed, because we had been trying to avoid an induction. at 5.30 that afternoon, we got a text that scott and holly had reagan marie! i was already thinking how they would have such close birthdays, and we were around the house packing up for the next day, and planning to go to panera for dinner. 30 minutes later, i leaned over to feed dobby, heard a pop! and knew my water had broken. instantly, i had a strong contraction, called the doctor and told matt, and 3 minutes later had another strong one. i knew this was it!! i laugh now thinking about us running around the house packing things up in a frenzy, and i would stop during contractions to breathe, then kept packing my bag and setting out things for micah. a sweet lady from our church came racing over to watch micah (since my parents couldn't get here in time - they were at the hospital waiting to visit reagan!), and we flew to the hospital. at this point i was having contractions every 2-3 minutes. after checking in, we got to the room at 7, exactly 1 hour later, and i was 9 cm! the doctor came in 10 minutes later and told me to push at the next contraction...3 pushes later, we had jeremiah! the timing was incredibly God-ordained, and i am so thankful that matt was home and we made it in time. and now we have a darling little boy to celebrate...he was worth every second of the wait!
1 comment:
Jodi!! So excited for you all!!! He is such a sweetheart. xoxo
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