Saturday, September 11, 2010

the countdown

kicking back at my parent's house. this was mark's little rocker that i just loved growing up.
how much do i look like a pumpkin here?! haha! micah and jeremiah's first helicopter ride with papa - micah looked out the window and smiled for 5 minutes, then passed out for the rest of the time! he did not inherit his momma's approach to flying!
poor dobs. always a good sport though!
my little heartbreaker.
very sleepy mornings in our pj's. i love sitting on his little play rug with him as he brings me books and train set pieces. we usually play tug of war with dobby for at least 10 minutes until i give up!
the dining room/play room. i love when the sun comes in those windows in the mornings and hits the buttery walls.
the comfy nap couch, which i pass 20x a day and promise myself that i'll lay down for a few minutes and drift off to sweet sleep. some days it happens, some days, it does not....but on the weekends it usually does, and for that i'm thankful!!
i have such visions of micah and jeremiah sitting at that little table having a snack or working on a project. i think i've gotten a little ahead of myself when i remember that jeremiah won't even be walking for a year! so for now, i sit at that table with micah and hear the tiny chair creak and groan under me....let's hope it lasts until jeremiah can plunk down there!

with two weeks until my due date, life is feeling like that cool breeze right before an afternoon storm. we've been busy doing house projects and enjoying last moments of having just micah around. a quick picture tour....(notice the p90x pull-up bar in the doorway!)

1 comment:

Rachel Hauck said...

The house looks great, Jodi! An Mica is a heartbreaker! We need to get together soon!
