i love this time of year, and hard to believe when i was pulling out our ornaments that 'micah's first christmas - 2009' was followed up with 'jeremiah's first christmas - 2010'! amazing how much a year can bring. jeremiah gets to be baby jesus for a partner church's bethlehem walk on friday...of course, matt and i are going to be joseph and mary ;) pictures will come, don't worry!
it's fun to start little christmas traditions with the boys, even though they are too young to remember now. seeing micah waddle up to the tree in his little pj's and look up at the lights and say 'WHO-AHH!' is worth it all! we put a little tree up in the boys room, with tiny blue clay ornaments of airplanes and drums and cars - it makes me want to take an afternoon nap in there with micah and wake up to those soft lights on the tree.
some things/traditions we are doing to celebrate the Christmas season this year:
after picking out/decorating the tree, matt and i sit on the couch with cheesy christmas mugs of tea and lit candles and just talk. it's always one of my favorite christmas times.
we are going to make biscotti again this year and take it around to the neighbors and friends in the area. it's such a nice excuse to drop by, and our sweet neighbors love seeing the boys.
next week, we are going to make hot cocoa and go on a walk to see all the christmas lights. it brings back memories of walking the little streets near wheaton in the snow and seeing so many white lights and wreaths on the doors.
a new one: sometime before christmas (on a weekend probably!) we are going to make a big bed on the floor and watch kids christmas movies and try to sleep with micah on the floor....we'll see how that one goes - might have to do it next year ;)
getting so excited for a chicago christmas...looking forward to snow and caribou white mochas and being cozy by the fire. it's not quite the same when you have to protect the greens on your christmas wreath from being scorched from the florida morning sun - but i do love these crisp, blue sky florida days!
Hey, I want to come for kids Christmas movie night! Ha!
Love the pics! So cool Jeremiah is baby Jesus.
Love, Rachel
Yea! Me too Rachel!! Would we have to wear red jammies?
Oh, seeing these sweet decorations and reading about such warm family traditions makes me think about the Christmas seasons at dear ole' 2365! It means so much to me to see these after knowing you back when. Love, Emily
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