Saturday, April 15, 2006

something i thought i'd never do

well, there are a lot of things i thought i would never do, but one of them moved from 'never do' to 'done!' today. matt and i with our friends matthew and elisa climbed aboard a cruise ship for the day. not just any cruise ship though. a sun cruz casino ship. normally sitting in dark, smokey, constantly swaying casino room with all the calmness of a video arcade would freak me out, but for some reason, it sounded fun today - like the perfect thing to do. and so we did. i guess i should have known, but we lost ten bucks on the slot machines (the machine was 'wild cherry' if you must know). the house always wins, but there were some people on the boat that don't believe that saying right now. we just wish we would have been one of them!

it was a beautiful day outside, warm, breezy, so we spent a lot of time on the deck in the sun. coming in to dock (5 hours later), we saw a team? herd? flock? of dolphins swimming beside the ship - it made my day.

so we're done with the semester! four down and 3 to go. after working 10 solid hours on thursday, we finished our last paper and said hello to a three week break! to celebrate, we went to sebastian on friday afternoon to walk along the rocks and out on the pier. supposedly this is where the manatees come and let you swim with them, but the tide was so low that we walked clear out into the swimming area and it only came up to our knees.

tomorrow we're going to a sunrise service on the beach, then heading up to ocala for a few days. i can't wait to go home for a bit of a break. oh i'll post some pictures of some recent things...

1 comment:

Emily said...

speaking of wild cherry, have you tried dr.pepper berries and cream flavor? it's pretty good.