Monday, April 03, 2006

Broke, Broke, Broke.

mmm. why is nothing working lately? it all started with my dear cell phone. can't hold a charge to save it's life. i get 5 minutes of freedom with it - otherwise it has to be plugged into the wall. which means i have to stand next to the wall. it reminds me of time-outs in elementary school.

on top of the cell phone, matt took a surf board to the beach the other day, and on the first wave in...split in half. whoops. the worst part is that it was a borrowed board. so we need to get that fixed...

next up, the ipod. we finally got an ipod. it was going to be our 'dream machine'. and it can't hold a charge! all we see is a blank screen - so it's going back to apple a.s.a.p. for repairs.

the battery on matt's computer went out last week as well. now he's plugged into the wall to. sometimes when he's on the computer and i'm on the phone, we're on the same wall ;)

and last night the dvd drive broke on his laptop. makes a whirring noise then complete silence.
this was the last straw. we went to best buy this afternoon and bought a tv/dvd player (thanks emily and sumanth!) it is just glorious to have a piece of technology that works!

1 comment:

Emily said...

jodi--i checked your blog not even with the wild hope that you had posted but just to read your last two posts again and lo, and behold a third one had popped up! sorry i missed your call today. going back to work has been the opposite of everything good and nice that has ever happened to me. double yuck about everything breaking on you guys, but i am glad you have something to watch dvds on. talk to you soon, em