Saturday, April 08, 2006

no shirt, no shoes, no service...

yesterday was beautiful. about 80 degrees and just perfect for being outside. matt and i went swimming in our neighborhood pool in the afternoon, then decided to have a picnic outside. we found the perfect spot - a pier that extends into the intercoastal waterway. we sat down and started eating bread, hummus, cheese, and crackers and watched the sun go down over the water. my shoes were off, and the wind was blowing fairly strong. a perfect moment! all of the sudden, i saw my beloved pink sandal roll off the dock and fall into the water!

the current was so strong that my sandal bobbed out of reach within seconds. i ran down the dock with one shoe and asked one of the fisherman to please fish my sandal out. he was very willing to try 'once i take the shrimp off the hook'....after several casts and an awkward silence, my sandal had floated so far out that we couldn't recover it.

mmm. so i went barefoot the rest of the night. to wendy's for frostys. to firedweller. to t.g.i.fridays afterwords with the firedweller group. one thing i will say about that place - the floors are very sticky. not to mention it's so dark in there that i couldn't see what was on the floor. when i washed my feet in the tub later that night the water turned instantly dark. gross.

so goodbye little pink sandal...

1 comment:

Emily said...

jodi--which pink sandal? your reefs? oh no.
another trip to the flop shop.