Sunday, April 27, 2008

cravings and a fourth grade nothing

this weekend has passed sweetly, with enough time to get things done and still enjoy this unbelievable weather. i always forget how wonderful april and october are...until may comes and the humidity starts! but until then, we're relishing dinners on the back porch shaded by our giant oak tree with a coolness in the air, and walks to the park to see dolphins as close as 20 feet. it never gets old.

friday night matt got tickets to the children's theater in vero beach...judy blume's 'tales of a fouth grade nothing'. one of our curves members' son was peter (the fourth grade nothing), which was really dear. before the show, we went to cravings - a sidewalk cafe on the beach for chicken salad wraps, panini's and espresso chip ice cream. the best part is that they encourage dogs to come, so dobby had a blast charming every retired person in vero! before that warms your heart too much, i should counter that story with the fact that i walked onto the back porch a few minutes ago and saw that dobby had drug an entire roll of paper towels outside and shredded it into a million pieces. given these gentle breezes we've been having, the pieces were flying around the yard like snow with dobby in the middle, barking hysterically at it all!

yesterday i made italian sausage and greens soup, which we'll have tonight when the exley's come over for dinner. but for now, i'm going to walk dobby down to the park with a book and lay by the water and soak up the last few hours of sunday before the week begins!


Emily said...

I think I would like to have espresso chip ice cream in your park. . . I hope your Sunday night is stretching out. . . I love weekends so much that I still get bad Sunday night blues even now that I don't work on Mondays!

Unknown said...

the beach is sounding awfully nice...