Sunday, April 13, 2008

100th post

as i was logging on to post, i noticed that i have posted 100 times now. and now i'm scratching my head wondering what i actually post about....and then i realized that probably 92% of my posts are funny little stories, or tiny things that happened in a day that set it apart. it makes me realize how much i love blogs and journals and albums that make mountains out of mole hills in a good way - make us remember the little things. one of my favorite quotes is from annie dillard 'how we spend our days, is of course, how we spend our lives.' it's quite a challenge. 

this past thursday and friday i was in a little production called 'how the west was dun' as calamity jane. it gives me new appreciation for todd and people who actually have talent for this sort of thing! (i might post a few pictures later) it was really fun - i got to wear a red cowgirl hat, a cow print belt and toy gun and ride a stick horse through the audience, which was a highlight ;)

yesterday was a perfect sort of day. the kind we've been wanting since we moved here....90 degrees. clear. breezy. woke up with my parents here, had coffee and went on a walk to the park....they left after a long breakfast at bob evans, and matt and i puttered around the house. i made potato salad and rib sauce, got groceries, played with dobby. went to the beach for a few hours to read and walk along the water while matt surfed, then headed home for a picnic on the porch with ribs and (now chilled!) potato salad and lime chips. it was one of those perfect spring evenings in florida. a few birds singing, a soft purpley-orange sunset and really comfy porch chairs to take it all in. such a relaxing sweet weekend. 

oh. today i'm putting the last coats on a hutch we brought down from ocala. painting it a creamy white called 'cookie crumb' which always gives me serious cravings for sugar cookies! i hope the cravings stop since the hutch will be a permanent piece in the living room....


Emily said...

Maybe your hutch could become a cookie cabinet if your craving continues?

Heather said...

sounds pretty perfect to me!!