Saturday, September 16, 2006


strange, strange, strange. waking up at 5 in the afternoon when you've been asleep since 8 am is very strange. i hate this feeling, but today i had no choice.

over 50 kids showed up at the lock-in. we had a bonfire, played soccer, madame conductor (yes, i brought kerstin's game out in a pinch...and the kids loooved it!), the kids beat each other with foam sticks, played video games and watched movies. and behind all these events was endless hours of drama. i forgot what it's like to be 14, but this night brought it all back!

'so and so is mad at so and so'
'why isn't so and so talking to me?'
'eewww! so and so likes so and so'

you get the idea. so matt and i spent from around 2 am to 7 am patrolling all the nooks and crannies of the church for 'couples'. we got a tip from one of the older kids to keep checking by the outside baptismal where (quoting him) 'quite a few kids have gotten their first kiss'. thankfully, everytime we checked it, it was clear.

so we're home, and rested. and swearing we won't do another lock-in for 15 years! but of course we will as soon as one of those sweet kids asks us to...we'll forget this feeling and start making plans.

1 comment:

photomark2006 said...

that's hilarious. what an interesting subculture where major romantic events occur in the outdoor baptismal of the church. glad you've got the weekend 2 recover. keep on posting... we're reading!