Thursday, September 21, 2006

good day

today i woke up in a flurry because my mom was driving from ocala for a visit, and i realized the toilet seats were disgusting and there was dirty pizza pans in the sink, the list goes on.

when she got here we had pumpkin spice coffee then went out to lunch for my favorite soup in the world: tomato basil at jason's deli. it is perfect.

it was a quick visit, so after my mom left, matt and i went out to buy 2 bistro chairs for the porch. i'm dying to get outside without dying from the heat! getting so excited to go to cooler weather in wilmington next weekend.

tonight we cleaned out our storage places to make room for the rest of our stuff we're moving down in october. its been so long since i've seen some of this stuff, i hope i recognize it! haha.

mmm. what else? youth was awesome last night, we had the kids write down dreams God has given them for their lives - really cool to read over. we've got some amazing people in this group.

watching gilmore girls season 6 and trying to catch up before season 7 premeire. i've got 5 days, and i feel up to the task, so we'll see!


Heather said...

I like the tomato basil also...mmmm.

photomark2006 said...

sounds like a very good day. i'd be interested to hear what some of those dreams were, and how were they related to the age of the student?