Tuesday, August 01, 2006

what a headache!

we finally got packed for our long-awaited anniversary in flagler beach. to kick off the celebration, we stopped at our favorite sandwich shop - jimmy johns, on the drive up. it was then i first noticed it...i couldn't read the menu over the spots in the air. and i knew...a migraine is coming, and at the worst possible time (well, i've had a few others at worse times - like on our honeymoon when i got my first one...). i took two pills and managed to get my sandwich down and drive the rest of the way to flagler laying down in matt's aviator sunglasses. when we pulled up to the b & b, matt checked us in and started the tour while i stayed in the car. during his 'tour' of the spa and grounds, he noticed that i wasn't in the car anymore, but was in the bushes across the street, puking. poor thing (both of us!), but matt tried to distract the lady so she wouldn't notice my (rather loud) vomiting...it was so gross. you know how you have 'throw-up thoughts'? the last thing you think before you throw up that just sends you over the edge? mine was the 'provalone cheese' and avacado' on my sandwich!

i am glad to report that after a 2 hour nap with a cloth over my head and one more throw-up session, i was good to go. the rest of the time was so fun - went on a beach walk, had a picnic dinner, and went for a soak in the mineral pool (supposedly good for the joints). this morning, we watched the sun rise on the balcony with coffee then took a bike ride around flagler beach - followed by a really great breakfast - they would basically cook you anything you wanted, so i had pancakes and greek quiche, while matt polished off a 3 meat omelette. when we left, we drove A1A towards ocala and saw the ocean the whole way...


Heather said...

Oh, Jodi! I am glad you had a wonderful anniversary experience despite the migraine trauma at the beginning! Yuck!

photomark2006 said...

what else in on your to do list for the rest of break? how about, give speech at best friend's wedding, check, or go to club with music so loud your ears still hurt, check?

btw, jsyk, the spots before your HA are "classic" for migraines. it's called an aura.

Gaita Lola said...

Jodie - Those migranes are sure aweful! Did you have to go the doctor when you were on your honeymoon? I bet Matt was pretty worried since it was your first one.