Thursday, August 24, 2006

one of those days

today was one of those days that was so great. for a lot of reasons.
we're on regent break until monday so there was time to:

sit on the couch with matt in my pj's and drink 2 cups of coffee with vanilla nut creamer. we planned the next few months of youth group activities, other trips, things we want to do this fall - which involved my giant calendar and multi-colored markers (i love ever opportunity to bust my calendar and markers out!...matt is a good sport about it)

re-arrange the living room. again, matt was a great sport. i couldn't for the life of me decide which wall the bookshelf should go on. it needs to be near a plug, which limits our options, but there's still 4 possibilities. it ended up in the dining room near the kitchen...strange, i know.

replace the brake pads. well, we didn't, midas did. but apparently the back brakes were shot, so i'm glad we did that before some of our upcoming trips! gulp.

have panera soup (brocolli cheddar of course) and start our regent work early. even though the semester starts monday, we're supposed to be a week ahead in reading and work. i give myself a lot of slack the week before, though, because technically we haven't started yet.

take a beautiful run over the causeway. the sun was setting over the intercoastal, and we saw 5 or 6 manatees swimming 10 feet off shore. we went out on the rocks and could practically touch their little snouts. it's at these times i love living in melbourne, florida.

watch alternating episodes of gilmore girls and 24. i am equally addicted to both. and right now, i'm going to go start the 'rotation'......

i loved today.


photomark2006 said...

matt is a great sport.

photomark2006 said...

but why was matt wearing your pj's?