Sunday, January 02, 2011

from the a white christmas!


Emily said...

oh oh oh! these are the sweetest. my favorites are the one with M & J on their bellies, and then the windblown family pic, which gave me goosebumps thinking back to talking at 9th grade sleepovers.

Unknown said...

It does NOT matter who won - 1-outta-1 perishes in time as we're mortal; however, the only thang that lasts is Seventh-Heaven or the other realm. So, be sure to tell your family this...

The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you.
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(Czech republic, next to Russia
if you dont know your geography)

trustNjesus, girl.
Meet me Upstairs.
Let's getta Big-Ol beer...
gotta lotta tok about
celebrating our eternal resurrection.

Unknown said...

It does NOT matter who won - 1-outta-1 perishes in time as we're mortal; however, the only thang that lasts is Seventh-Heaven or the other realm. So, be sure to tell your family this...

The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you.
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(Czech republic, next to Russia
if you dont know your geography)

trustNjesus, girl.
Meet me Upstairs.
Let's getta Big-Ol beer...
gotta lotta tok about
celebrating our eternal resurrection.