Wednesday, December 07, 2011

fall (ing off the wagon!)

i can't believe my last post was august! but when i consider i was miserably morning sick for several months, i tell myself i have an excuse! ;)

a few pictures from the last few months (don't ask me why they load in the wrong order!)...i'll do a separate christmas time post in a bit.

i just love december mornings in florida! nothing like standing next to the wreath in your diaper :)
micah got to drive a real loader with papa...a highlight of his life for sure!
the cowboy warrior...guarding mimi's house from duck attacks!
an awesome petting farm in many animals to chase and squeeze and hold. the baby ducks were darling!
petting the glad he's inherited his momma's love of animals!
dressed for trick or treating...
first carnival ride...i was so proud that he wanted to ride by himself! thanks to his 3 inches of hair and 2 inches of cowboy boot heel he met the height requirement ;)
my sweet angel on his birthday. i adore this child!
labor day at candlewood...lots of time on the lake
and in the lake ;) a perfect end to summer...

Monday, August 01, 2011

summer days

a few pictures of our wild-haired boys and some of the beautiful anna maria island where we went for our anniversary this weekend

Sunday, June 05, 2011

todd's wedding and the keys

it's been an incredible week - very full of celebration. matt had a week off before his new job starts tomorrow (yea!) so we took full advantage of the time together! started out in salt lake city for todd and ashlee's wedding. it was so beautiful and personal and so much fun to have the entire family together (except our own micah and jeremiah who spent the weekend with matt's parents - win, win, win!)

after the wedding, we had a few 'stay-cation' days at home going to the zoo and taking walks. on thursday, we headed to the keys for 2 days...our first real 'family vacation'. some picture highlights: *in reverse order, sorry!
two minutes after we got in the car to come home. wish i could have done the same!
my loves.
a 'kiddie cone' i thought it would be 5x smaller!
hours and hours on that slide.
little jer-bear held his own
our lunch stop at robbies to feed the tarpon
breakfast stop in his little summer pj's
ashlee's dog - one of the flower girls
ashlee and cora - the other flower girl
at the reception. it was such a beautiful home that opened to the garden - our 'kid-free' smiles!
todd. waiting for ashlee. they are two peas in a pod - beautiful together.
part of the backyard garden. the ceremony was in front of the waterfall...
the guest book - we typed our messages on an old typewriter!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the birthday boy and his trusty sidekick

some recent pictures of the boys. it's been awhile! enjoying this day after tax season that we get matt at home! going to the beach after naps seems like such a luxury on a tuesday afternoon!

Sunday, January 02, 2011