Thursday, April 29, 2010


rather than 'catch up' the last four months, i will do a humble little photo summary of april. i feel very sheepish posting after so long gone, but i know my two readers (you know who you are!!) will scroll sweetly through this post!

the tiny pool that i have crawled into many times this month. this summer, i expect this to be my second home!
we put in a beautiful white swing under our giant oak tree to sit in the evenings with micah. so peaceful, and wonderful to have a breezy outdoor sanctuary
the birthday boy with his guests of honor: cora and ella
the palette for our new curves location! we are moving july 1, so things are in full swing to get the new location ready and start clearing out 3+ years of accumulation from the old. so excited for the cool, clean, wood-floored freshness of the new location!
easter outfit. lasted until he dripped yogurt down the front...but very cute while it lasted!
our little family at the sunrise service. my favorite one yet...i turned to see 20-30 dolphins surfing the waves directly behind us. it was glorious!

oh yes. the belly! i hook up my phone/music for a walk to the park every day. we do a whole lap of the neighborhood so i get my exercise and a dose of sun. the freckles of summer are out again!


Heather said...

I, for one, am very happy that you posted ;) Because I had no idea you were pregnant again!!! If you had waited a few more months, you would be posting a baby picture and I would be thinking, "??!" hahaha.

Micah is as cute as ever. Lots of love to all of you!

Emily said...

This JodiCuteness reader was so happy to see this spring slideshow of sun and fun, she squealed when she saw the updated post!

Amanda--I haven't thought about the tub for 4 in far too long:)

photomark2006 said...

I am your reader, too, just 14 years too late! Fell down a rabbit hole of reading old blog posts from jodi cuteness and photomark2006. pure gold!