Saturday, December 05, 2009

some firsts...

first poinsetta
first christmas tree
first thanksgiving
first college tour!
first swing at ballard park
first fish - he helped catch it!

and this morning is the first saturday morning in a long time that it's been just micah and i! i love the feeling of a cozy rainy day with the whole morning ahead. time for gingerbread coffee and reading his new favorite book - little beauty (thanks em!)


Rachel Hauck said...

Sooooo cute.

Emily Prabhaker said...

I love that Micah wears ankle socks just like you! I wish I could come read Little Beauty with you guys and my own cup of gingerbread coffee. I would offer to bring my latest concoction--homemade eggnog lattes with Silk brand "nog" but, I know you've never been partial to that flavor.