Wednesday, December 16, 2009

a christmas tour

christmas cards from the mail go right to the refrigerator
our favorite christmas fruits (matt loves the clementines and i am eating my weight in ruby red sweet grapefruit!) and candles (mulled spices, christmas treats, and christmas cookie are what's burning now)
our old christmas tree is now in micah's nursery with tiny ornaments. every morning, he sits in his little chair and we turn on the tree and look at the ornaments
our nativity snow globe and handmade christmas card from amy (the snow globe is covering a corner that has a bite out of it...dobby got a little zealous for the christmas story one night while we were gone!
this is my morning when i'm not going in to curves. coffee (gingerbread or pumpkin spice creamer!), lit candles and stories to read to micah in his bouncer
our once beautiful christmas wreath (the sun is mercilessly baking it every day) that i try to revive with constant misting. it still smells so woodsy, so i am thankful
and our real tree! no presents under it because of a certain dobby, but i love turning this on in the morning and sitting by it in the evening.
i wanted to have him be our angel tree-topper!
at the staff christmas party...

it has been fun to decorate for christmas this year, and start little traditions - having youth over for christmas tea and cookies the night our decorations go up, making christmas biscotti and taking it to our neighbors, and having a real tree and wreath that smells amazing (the wreath is fresh from oregon, but hasn't stood up to our florida sun so well....the browning makes me mildly depressed)

since not many out of town readers will get to be in our house over the holidays, i thought i would take you for a little tour, and show you what december has been like in the girden house. (and would LOVE to see pictures of your christmas cozy places - hint, hint!)

Saturday, December 05, 2009

some firsts...

first poinsetta
first christmas tree
first thanksgiving
first college tour!
first swing at ballard park
first fish - he helped catch it!

and this morning is the first saturday morning in a long time that it's been just micah and i! i love the feeling of a cozy rainy day with the whole morning ahead. time for gingerbread coffee and reading his new favorite book - little beauty (thanks em!)