this week had the pleasant feeling of being sandwiched between two very fun weekends....using up the last of the coffee we flew through when emily was here, and looking forward to a labor day off and plans for a mini 'stay-cation' this weekend.
it was so fun to have emily here, and to have a lot of face-to-face hours to represent the hundreds of phone hours we rack up during the year. it felt like a stretched-out weekend, with lots of time to have chicken salad beachside in vero, watch a midnight shuttle launch over the water, go through pots and pots of coffee with italian sweet cream, walk on the beach, go for a swim, get ice cream at dells two nights in a row, and spend hours perusing facebook and laughing our heads off. micah loved his auntie emily, and tried his best to charm her!
on sunday, matt was ordained as youth pastor at the church. it was such an honor, and so fun to have emily out for the time. matt's parents were also in town for the weekend and my parents came out for the ordination, so it was a really celebratory time.
so now...some pictures from the weekend (the one is of the shuttle launch over our heads!) and then i am off to get a haircut. depending how it turns out, i may not be posting pictures for awhile! yea for labor day weekend!
so glad you and Ems were together. and startled to see how BIG micah is already. i'm sure you hear that all the time, but he really is. what a summer weekend...shuttle launches and ice cream and swims, hooray!
oh, these really make me wish we lived closer. i would love to spend some time at micah's farm this morning. these also make me wish i'd worn my pajamas less last weekend!
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