Sunday, August 16, 2009

birthday weekend!

had a wonderful weekend to celebrate my birthday. the day started with matt bringing me coffee and a bagel in bed. then i had a lot of time to putter around the house in my pj's and get stuff ready for scott, holly and cora's arrival that night! we had a great time with them...dulce de leche birthday cake, going to the brevard zoo saturday night, a bbq picnic at ballard park sunday afternoon, and a lot of fun times watching cora and micah play together around the house. it is so nice to have family close! they were so sweet to watch micah on saturday while matt and i went to mike and ashley's wedding - a great time celebrating with them and being with our youth kids without always worrying about micah! some pictures from the weekend...


Emily Prabhaker said...

Oh, I love these. Remember when you and Matt would go to the Franklin Park zoo during college. For some reason, the main thing I remember is the sunglasses you guys would both wear when you went.

doctorbarefoot said...

clearly, Micah is showing early signs of being a Zoo Fan. not to laugh at patients, but it turns out that I am taking care of a Zoo Bomber, aka a cyclist who ride on tiny kids bikes down the big hill by the portland zoo. she crashed her bike, and we heard the zoo bomber story much later, but it did make me smile as do all stories involving the zoo.

Rachel Hauck said...

So fun!