Friday, August 28, 2009

an hour of micah's life...

reading from his favorite bible...(thanks uncle mark and auntie lauren!)

trying to nap (is it a surprise that these wide eyes didn't want to close?)

hitting dobby in the face. dobby then licked his hand - a great example of turning the other cheek!

playing on his 'farm' micah's feet don't touch the ground yet, so he's suspended like an angel. it is so cute to see his chunky thighs dangling in the air...

helping me with the laundry. whichever piece he would grab i would fold! as you can see, i've never gotten the hang of separating your dark clothes from whites!

sitting in the swing, preparing to cry - it was a busy hour, and no one likes having a camera flash in their face all the time!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

birthday weekend!

had a wonderful weekend to celebrate my birthday. the day started with matt bringing me coffee and a bagel in bed. then i had a lot of time to putter around the house in my pj's and get stuff ready for scott, holly and cora's arrival that night! we had a great time with them...dulce de leche birthday cake, going to the brevard zoo saturday night, a bbq picnic at ballard park sunday afternoon, and a lot of fun times watching cora and micah play together around the house. it is so nice to have family close! they were so sweet to watch micah on saturday while matt and i went to mike and ashley's wedding - a great time celebrating with them and being with our youth kids without always worrying about micah! some pictures from the weekend...

Saturday, August 08, 2009

wedding pictures!

some of the wedding pictures are done! check them out at
they are just beautiful....

other fun things this past week...
our first 'core group' meeting at youth. a group of 6 or so that want to be discipled. we will meet for an hour each week for discussion/accountability. so excited for this!
a 'luau' with our youth kids on thursday. pineapple upside-down cake, kebabs and a hula contest followed by a bonfire. so sad i gave up my hula skirt and coconut top after wheaton!
a last-minute invitation to go to longdoggers with the Gonda family. they just had a really cute little girl 2 weeks ago. it was fun to sit outside and just chat on a friday night...

micah is sitting in his bouncy chair watching 'praise baby'. we just realized how much he loves these videos, and it buys us 30 minutes of un-interupted time...although we have a nagging guilty feeling the whole time that our child is in front of the tv being 'babysat' by a screen!

it's been an easy saturday. matt and i played tennis at the park this morning after i made a pancake and egg breakfast, and i just finished making blueberry lemon scones and chicken salad for the week...the laundry is done, and my inbox is cleaned out. it's a great feeling to be ready for the week ahead...