Sunday, June 07, 2009

almost 8 weeks!

this wednesday, micah will be 2 months! last night, he celebrated by sleeping from 8 pm until 8 am this morning. it was glorious! he ate a few times, but fell right back to sleep without a peep. he is smiling all the time now, and looking around at everything! this week, the big discovery is his hands - which he stares at, then punches himself in the forehead or is so cute, even when he cries afterwards! here are some pictures from disney and ella's 3rd birthday, and of youth sunday weekend.


Rachel Hauck said...

We were so sorry to miss Youth Sunday! We heard good things!! Mica is so cute. We're proud of you guys!


Krista said...

Jodi, I feel like the worst friend ever! Laura just gave me the link to your blog, so I am just now seeing your pictures of Micah for the first time .... he's adorable and looks just like his beautiful mother! Congratualtions! :)