this is the kind of weekend we've been waiting for since micah was born...that saturday morning feeling of no set plans for the day...sleeping in, drinking coffee and getting some things done around the house. matt is mowing the yard and micah just fell asleep beside me on the couch with dobby at his feet. it's a beautiful june sunny saturday, so it seems a shame to still be in my pj's, but i am! last weekend matt's family came out to melbourne, so we spent several days poolside at a beach hotel. it was so relaxing, and fun to be swimming again! i forgot how good it can feel to jump into a cold pool on a scorching day...
i've been going into curves really early lately...finding i can get so much more done in the morning, and it's easier to leave micah with matt when he has a few more hours of sleep left in him! it does get tiring getting up at 5 or 5.30 several days a week, but it pays off when i can come home in the afternoon and still have time to do things at home.
on tuesday, we went up to starke, FL with 12 people from our youth group to put on a carnival for scott and holly's kids camp. it was a long day (3-4 hour drive each way), but so worth it to see the excitement on these kids' faces winning prizes and watching the magic show. scott and holly did an amazing job of pulling this camp together, and giving these kids an unforgettable time.
the days are just flying by now...we're getting into a summer routine of long walks around the neighborhood, iced coffee, and getting excited for mark and lauren's wedding in july! in other news, our plumeria tree in the front has finally bloomed! after 8 months of waiting, we started seeing buds last week, and right now it has 9 beautiful blooms that bring back so many hawaii memories every time we walk by and catch a are some pictures of the early blooms, the camp, beach time with matt's family and a few of micah (of course!)