some pictures of the new place - no pictures of the guest room, since mark and his friend jonathan stayed here last night (i didn't think they would love a camera in their face at 7 am!) we still have some pictures to get up, but it's come a long way since last saturday. my favorite part is waking up in the morning, and seeing the sun pouring in the windows across the wood floor. in fact, when i finish posting, i'll start the coffee and sit on the couch and take it all in while it is sunrise and quiet.
i wish i could sit on the couch and take in the sunrise with you. only then, it would not be quiet because i would be exclaming over your gleaming floors and bright windows.
i'm so excited to get to hang out with you and dobby and, quite possibly, soak in a few sunrises.
miss you heaps, jodes!
it was great to be there. with i was still sleeping in the guest bedroom!
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