Wednesday, May 09, 2007

this spring...

it's almost been so long that i'm embarrassed to even post. either that, or my 'readers' (i know there are SO MANY ;) have long given up on me ever posting a thing after girls weekend 2007.
i could blame this on a lot of things - finishing up Regent (we've been graduates for 4 days now!), working at Curves (more on this later), and spending a lot of time with our youth kids. but really, it's been laziness. i certainly have time to read OTHER people's blogs regularly, so maybe this is one small step towards getting back into things.

a few pictures of our spring...


Emily said...

hi jodi,

i've checked your blog daily ever since it started, so no worries about losing ALL of your readers;)

Heather said...

Jodi -

I never gave up hope - happy graduation :)