the weather is finally bearable. around 70 during the day, so obviously we've been spending a lot of time at the beach. i love the beach in the fall/winter - very few crowds, great sunsets, and a lot of animals around.
this weekend we went to a school play for one of our youth kids - he was definitely the star of the show. they kept making announcements about cupcakes that would be for sale at intermission, so the entire first act, all i could think about was cupcakes. at intermission, matt and i kept saying that we hoped the cupcakes were only a quarter so we could get 4....(we only had a dollar in cash). imagine our horror when we got to the cupcake stand and they were two dollars! per cupcake! i couldn't believe it - and there was a line snaking around the building to buy these! cupcakes. mob mentality at work again. i wonder if anyone stopped to ask themselves, 'why am i paying 2 dollars for 1 cupcake??' actually, who am i kidding? if we would have had 2 bucks, i would have downed that overpriced cupcake so fast....
saturday, we went to a sweet 16 birthday party for one of our youth girls. it had all the elements of a great birthday party - shaving cream fights, pizza and candy, red rover, and a ton of group games i haven't played for years. i'll admit, i spent the shaving cream fight sitting in our car with the doors locked, but it was a blast.
yesterday, went on a picnic after church by the intercoastal waterway. just when we started eating, a group of dolphins started playing in the water 50 yards out. there was even a baby fin next to one of them. it was all i could do not to jump in with them, and live out my fantasy of being a dolphin trainer...
what kind of cupcakes were they? that must have made the second half of the play sooo long. you should buy a mix for 1.59 and make yourself a dozen;)
Jodi the dolphin trainer made me laugh...
yeah, jodi its never too late to pursue that dream of dolphin trainer!
how tempted were you just to grab 4 cupcakes and high-tail it outta there? maybe matt was more than u?
Do you and Emily remember attending my sweet 16?! Doesn't that seem like a lifetime ago? Almost 8 years ago....time flies when you're having fun ;)
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