Thursday, July 06, 2006

reminder of the weekend

the fourth of july weekend was a blast. we rolled in thursday night to have dinner at grandpa's. on friday, we watched world cup soccer in the basement workout room. now that there's a tv in there, it's hard to find any motivation to work out! we spent a lot of time on the lake, skiing and swimming, playing with hunter in the water. it was so good to be back.

todd came in on saturday, and scott and holly arrived on sunday morning. mark, matt, todd, and i got to set up the island in the middle of the lake with candles, flowers and a picnic...that same night scott took holly to the island and proposed! she's an awesome girl, and i'm so excited to have an older sister! they'll be married before the end of the year.

on the fourth of july, we went to cedar point for the day. as you know, i'm not the hugest fan of roller coasters, but this day, i thought it was time to get over my fear and ride a few of the big ones. after the magnum xl, and the top thrill dragster (shoots you at 120 mph 420 feet into the air and back down!) i was feeling a little queasy, and remembered why i didn't like roller coasters in the first place. things hit rock bottom when i was throwing up in the bushes in the afternoon, and little families dressed in red, white and blue were walking by with the kid's screaming 'EEEWWW! DON'T look over there, that lady's throwing up.' maybe one day i'll get over this motion sickness, but 2006 is not the year!

my other reminder of the weekend is a strange rash that developed after swimming in the lake. it covers my entire body with what looks like measles (you can only get them once, right?!), and hasn't gone away in 3 days. i'm giving it until saturday to clear up...

tomorrow we'll be petsitting for tony and rachel, and getting caught up on a lot of school work. we're in week 9 out of 13, so the end is in sight!


photomark2006 said...

WAS a great weekend! hey, we all got to give you credit for continuing to TRY roller coasters although you've never had a positive outcome. she takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'. hey i have another idea about your rash: a systemic dermatoses caused by a virus. maybe you caught the virus from my back? if i'm right, matt should break out any day now due to all the virus you are shedding. keep us "posted".

Emily said...

did you even try that swinging boat ride? that always seemed to be your absolute least favorite.