Sunday, June 22, 2008

so i hear it's the longest day of the year....

we would never know this in melbourne, since large clouds gathered yesterday and today around 4 and never cleared in time to give us a long evening! although, i was up with dobby at 6.35 this morning, and the sun was fully out for our walk to the park, so i guess it's true!

it's been a great summer weekend - went out to dell's for ice cream friday night, saturday morning we picked up smoothies and went fishing with one of our youth families on the beach. well, matt fished and i splashed around in the water, scaring all the fish i'm sure! saturday afternoon it started pouring, and i did something i haven't done in months...took an afternoon nap! it was glorious. went to a barbeque and played clue with some of our other youth kids.

this morning, we worked in the nursury at church, which is another blog entry entirely. (it would be hard to describe the tantrum that happened in this meager post!) and we just got back from swimming and playing volleyball with our youth at the beach.

something i've realized this year (being the first full year i haven't been on a school schedule) is how easy it is to let the seasons run together, and not actually enjoy them. all the summer things i love get pushed back when i'm so tired from work, or feel overwhelmed with errands or things around the house, so i've decided this year, i'm going to truly enjoy summer and take times to actually live it! this weekend was the first step....

and here's some pictures from our trips to chicago and ohio earlier this summer....