Sunday, November 05, 2006

the apartment

words cannot express how much i love this couch!

at the youth costume party

me and my mouse

me and dawnie

sunday night football

sitting here in our newly moved yellow chair, loving the smell of my new mandarin cranberry candle. that is until matt blew it out - it was giving him a headache. not a good sign, since i bought the candle today, and it has about 150 hours of burn time left!

we had a great weekend - finished a paper friday afternoon, went to firedweller. saturday was beautiful, so matt and i went down to the beach and sat up on the rail watching the waves come in. last night we went ice skating in rockledge with mike and ashley. i only fell once during a 'red light, green light' game. of course i couldn't get up on my own, so i sat there on the ice with my knees soaking wet and waited for matt to rescue me. i never want to throw in the towel on anything, but i think it's time to admit i will never be comfortable on the ice. it's more about surviving than actually enjoying it at this point!

oh, here's a few pictures of what we've been doing lately.